Warmups (with eggs)

This morning we were making omelettes.  Well we were trying not to make omelettes actually, because as you know you can't make omelettes without breaking eggs and we were trying not to break eggs.

There are many easy ways not to break eggs.  Forming a team to drop an egg safely from 2.5m using a set of materials provided by Joanna isn't one one of them.  especially when you only have 15 minutes and you have to come up with a name for your team too.

The result was 4 different ways to break eggs.  I think it was a bit harsh to drop them on concrete, but that's what we had and now the kitchen have the makings of omelettes.  Or  as it turned out egg-coated hale which was even better.

The point of course, is to get to know one another for the workshop.  There are lots of ways of doing that and this was just one exercise.  But sharing more deeply when we don't know one another isn't always easy, and getting to know one another isn't always easy when we don't share our feelings and experiences.

So messing around with eggs is quite a good way to getting going.  To spend time doing something silly but compelling in groups, under a little pressure.  Most facilitators have their favourites, and this is one I'm going to try myself.

In an case, we're up and going now, and there's every chance of omelettes for lunch.


  1. Hello everyone. I have never blogged before and I am glad I have the opportunity to do so here....thanks to Chris and the iBali network!
    Today I had the privileged of meeting very wonderful, like minded, forward thinking and passionate fellows from different African countries.... whom I definitely would like to keep in touch with!!
    Day 1: We had a very interesting introduction to the different techniques of telling stories. I learnt that these methods are powerful enough create a safe space where everyone can share very honest personal experiences of challenges, successes and growth. I specifically enjoyed drawing my river of life (very reflective process), free writing (I confess it was my first time! Loved it!!), and the story telling circle. These are tools that gave me opportunities to honestly reflect on and express the story of my life and those of others in ways that I had never imagined. I definitely see a place for these methodologies in my work... Looking forward to learn more this week.
    A lovely night to you all!

  2. On point there Nancy. What an experience! I can't wait to get to my work place with these awesome experiences to make my work better by improving on my teaching methods. If Day one was the introduction, l can't wait for the body today. See you

  3. Very encouraging comments, indeed! Nancy do note that there is always a first time. This is exciting. Enjoyed have enjoyed the story telling experiences. Allow individuals to reflect on their lived experiences and the impact they have had on their personalities/character and worldview.
    https://ibali-africa.blogspot.co.za/2018/03/warmups-with-eggs.html#comments the


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